Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Funky Meters @ The Metro

Went to this concert last night. The Funky Meters are the current incarnation of legendary New Orleans funk group "The Meters". They've been around forever (well, the fifties anyway) and can lay claim to having influenced almost all the funk acts that followed and therefore, indirectly, almost all popular music today.

For all that, last night's show will be primarily memorable for me as the first concert I've ever walked out on early. Did I say "concert"? Well, fair enough -- that is what the ticket said -- but it would probably be more accurate to call it a jam session. Now, a priori there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. And, despite an average age that must be north of 60, the guys still give up a mean funk groove. The trouble is, they only seemed to have the one groove: with only one or two brief pauses, the band kept up a raw, grinding -- but above all unchanging -- riff. It was perhaps analagous to hearing a finely tuned ferrari purring along -- but never getting out of first gear. Awe inspiring, but fairly soon you've heard enough.

Worth mentioning that the show was opened by local soul/funk band "The Hands" who were quite good.

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