"In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank prison. All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old rock hammer, damn near worn down to the nub. I used to think it would take six hundred years to tunnel under the wall with it. Old Andy did it in less than twenty. Oh, Andy loved Geology, I guess it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice age here, million years of mountain building there. Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes really: pressure, and time."
Yep: there was Andy Dufresne, the man who crawled through a river of s**t and out clean on the other side...
...and then there was Gekko, the man who mattocked his way through damn near a metre of solid rock in just under one hour. Not in the name of freedom, but so that a humble agricultural pipe could follow a straight, gently sloping line down the side of his backyard.
1. Here is the trench, ready for the drain to be laid. (Note the aforementioned channel through the rock outcrop -- when I discovered this obstacle, I decided I'd come too far to be turned away...):
2. The following two pics show the drain in place. The effect is kind of like a boa constrictor in a body bag:
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